All About the Vitamins

All About the Vitamins


VITAMINS• Organic • Water Soluble • Relatively Non-Toxic • Deficits can cause severe problems • Synthesized in our bodies – but not at a quantity to sustain life • When our bodies reach a therapeutic level the effects are profound • Biological repair and restoration • Hormone function and regulation • Antioxidant properties – reduce damage caused by free radicals 

ANTIOXIDANTS• Molecules that neutralize free radicals in your body • Free radicals are compounds that are constantly being formed in your body and can cause harm if their levels become too high. They are linked to multiple diseases – diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

FREE RADICALS• Your body needs to maintain a balance between free radicals and antioxidants • Life style, stress and environmental factors are known to promote excessive free radical formation and oxidative stress, including: • Air pollution • Cigarette smoke • Alcohol intake • High blood sugar levels • High intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids • Radiation, including excessive sunbathing • Bacterial, fungal, or viral infections • Excessive intake of iron, magnesium, copper or zinc • Too much or too little oxygen in your body • Intense and prolonged exercise which causes tissue damage

B-COMPLEX• B1/B2/B3/B5/B6 • B1 – Key Nutrient in ENERGY METABOLISM • B2 – ANTIOXIDANT : Energy Metabolism • B3 – Energy, metabolism, lowers cholesterol, • B5 – Critical to Energy Production, GI stimulant post ileus, Increases sexual endurance, improves skin and colitis (deficiency indications: insomnia – gout – edema – kidney stones, burning feet) • B6 – Energy, reduces pain/aid in neuromuscular disorders, improves GI symptoms, aid the immune system.

B12 METHYLCOBALAMIN• Promotes healthy brain function, blood cells and nerves • Prevents anemia • Boosts ENERGY • Improves MEMORY • Improves MOOD and symptoms of depression • Supports healthy hair, skin and nails • May increase metabolism due to increase energy – resulting in WEIGHT LOSS – typically if client is B12 deficient 

VITAMIN C/ASCORBIC ACID• ANTIOXIDANT • Plays a big role in immune function • PRECAUTIONS: Kidney disease, elderly, insulin, interacts with warfarin, increases blood sugar, interacts with estrogen, **headache during an IV infusion** 

MAGNESIUM• 300 biochemical actions RELY on magnesium, such as protein synthesis and CHO metabolism • Maintains muscle tissue, depresses CNS – blocks peripheral neuromuscular transmission • Relieves muscle tension, tightness and stiffness • Allows for quicker muscle recovery after strenuous activity • Affects energy metabolism (blood sugar levels) • Supports immune and nerve function • Oral mg causes diarrhea – IV does not cause GI effects 

ZINC• ANTIOXIDANT • Plays a big role in immune function • Used to reduce the duration of illness, prevent infection and speed up the body’s healing process • PRECAUTIONS: Kidney disease, elderly, insulin, interacts with warfarin, increases blood sugar, interacts with estrogen, **headache during an IV infusion** 

TORADOL• Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory, pain relief 

ZOFRAN• Antiemetic • Reduces symptoms of nausea/vomiting 

GLUTATHIONE• THE MASTER ANTIOXIDANT • Produced naturally in the body • Involved in building and repairing tissue • Makes chemicals needed for the immune system • Important in maintaining intracellular health • Natural levels diminish with age and illness • When glutathione levels are healthy, that’s when the magic happens. You can not only prevent health problems, but possibly experience amazing energy, glowing skin, a strong heart, and a sharp brain. ITS YOUR ANTI-AGING (cellular), IMMUNE BOOSTING, SKIN GLOWING (lightens skin and reduces wrinkles) WEAPON! 

MYER'S COCKTAIL• The Myers’ Cocktail is named for the late John Myers, M.D., a Maryland physician who used intravenous injections of nutrients to treat many chronic conditions. Conditions which he found responded well to this treatment include acute asthma attacks, migraines, fatigue, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, acute muscle spasm, upper respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergies and cardiovascular disease. He also observed improvements in athletic performance. • Decrease fatigue • Increase overall energy • Decrease recurrent infections • Anti-viral immune boosting effect • Decrease mood swings • Improved mind clarity • Decrease overall aches and pains